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Robert contracted as an Independent Contract Provider (R0006) on 3/16/95 and is now a Registered Accessibility Specialist (#16) as of 12/13/01. Click Here Maureen is a Registered Accessibility Specialist (#1246) as of 2/14/12. Click Here
In 1990 Robert became a municipal ADA Coordinator and immediately set about doing their program self evaluations. These pointed out the need for certain policy changes. Robert then modified job descriptions and applications for employment, and set up a grievance procedure, request for accommodations process and undue hardship determinations. Then he did facility surveys and developed the required transition plans for public programs. This involved numerous public hearings and training sessions to bring the public entity into compliance.
Robert received his certification from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for plan reviews in September 1994 and for inspections in October 1994. Being the first person certified in the state for both plan review and inspections he founded ADA Assistance in 1995 for the purpose of ensuring that his client’s projects fully comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards. As a Registered Accessibility Specialist, Robert is licensed to provide final approval on plan reviews and inspections.
In 2016 Robert received his APA ADA Specialist Designation and APA-BE #8 certification.
While initially working at this part time the demand for his expertise and concise interpretation of TAS was soon resulting in the successful completion of several hundred projects a year. Today, ADA Assistance has grown to providing not only TAS required reviews and inspections but also additional consulting services, training seminars, facility surveys, and public and private transition plans.
Since low cost and ease of access are vital issues to design professionals and property managers/owners he has developed a close working relationship with both. Over the years he has assisted multiple architectural firms in the design of accessibility standard sheets that are now primary in the development of their construction plans. His broad experience in design and construction along with his knowledge of public infrastructure and bureaucracy give him the unique ability to reconcile difficult situations and the insight to successfully communicate and bridge the chasm which sometimes seems to exist between the public and private sectors. This unique skill has been especially helpful when assisting private contractors working on public projects.
Robert has an Associate Degree in design & drafting, a Bachelor Degree in business, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration which helps in relating to public and private sectors.
Robert as a member of the Accessibility Professionals Association has been Chairman of the Legislative & Legal Committee, Board of Directors Secretary, President-Elect and 2021 President. Robert is now certified for the built environment.
DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall ADA Assistance be liable for any damages whatsoever and in particular this accessibility specialist shall not be liable for special, indirect, inconsequential, or incidental damages, lost profits, or loss of revenue arising out of or related to this web site or the information contained in it. ADA Assistance shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in the web site and reserves the right to make changes without notice. The review of documents as contract documents and field inspections by this registered accessibility specialist for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is based on a best efforts endeavor following instruction and certification by TDLR. Plan review and inspection in no way warrants complete compliance with the Texas Accessibility Standards. This registered accessibility specialist is not employed by TDLR regardless of any statements that may be mistaken to indicate otherwise and is not an enforcement agent. This organization is not an advocate for any disability group or organization. The business, the professional, his employees, engineers, and client for whom the review or inspection is made agrees to hold harmless and indemnify this registered accessibility specialist from and against any liability arising from performance of the work.
Additionally, ADA Assistance will not verify compliance of any project with the standards referenced in Section 105.2 of the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), including, but not limited to, the International Building Code (IBC) (collectively, the “Referenced Standards”), consistent with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation’s Registered Accessibility Specialist Bulletin 2012-01 issued April 16, 2012. Accordingly, the business, the professional, his employees, engineers, and client for whom the review or inspection is made on behalf of itself and any indemnified parties hereunder, expressly waives any claims against ADA Assistance, and releases ADA Assistance from liability for any claims which are based or in any way related to the failure of any project to comply with the Referenced Standards. |
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